Thursday, August 25, 2011


Time after time...
passed away just like dat...
without looking back...even once..
'time' just envied with us..
thats what i thought...
its been a while since my last post...dont u think so???
(yeahhh..sure kay...<<<---answer by myself..=_='')
hurm....where should i start my story...
(daaaa...obviously kay...u should 'qada' for 2months ++)
hehehe...because of too many story...i forgot already what to write here..
just write what i remember ok fellowsss...(sory for the inconveniences)
as point form...later i will elaborate(<<---hahahah..sound like an english essay...)

*BUSY!!BUSY!! and BUSYY!!!(PM kowt...for sure la busy...hahahaha(menah perasn!!)).. act..nie semue sebab nak buat preparation untuk raya(even puase x penuh...huhu) n nak masuk gombak@UIA(Am I old enough to enter university??!!!)..too many things to buy..siap buat list...tapi x complete pon(kalau buat details sangat...2 buku nota pon x cukop...gler panjang list aku..)
*KECUAKKAN!!!nie pon gara2 nak daftar masuk Uia 6sept nie...hoho...hypothesis(budak yang mempraktikkan sains ye disitu...hehe)
>>"Semakin dekat nak daftar masuk 'kandang', semakin bertambah kecuakkan dihati"<<
korunk2 tau x sebab ape aku cuak nie????aku dapat rase..korunk mesty x brape nak tau(yang dah tau..silalah diam...shhhh!!!!)soo..aku bagi pilihan jawapan...korunk pilihla yeee..
pilihan jawapan adalh seperty berikowt:
A. Barang2 byk x siap packing!
B. Xprepare untuk sentuh buku!
C. Takot dapat rumate x ngam!
D. Semue diatas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JAWAPANnyer....yang dihighlight MERAH!!!!
*KETAKUTAN!!!(adekah ketakutan dengan kecuakkan merujuk kepada mende yang sama???!!minta maad...Bm saya amat amat amatttttt terukkk...<<---pengakuan jujur!!
takot sebab...seriously...dekat U skunk sangat creepy!!!...takowt aku nie..terbabas(bukan kereta yee..tapi terbabas tujuan sebenar ke sana...huhu)..takot xdapat catchup ade...takot result terok ade...waohhhh...bnyknyer ketakutannnn....urghhhh!!!!btw..ade lagi satu ketakutan(yang kelakar sikit laa..hahaha...takot tersangkut dengan mamat2 kat sana...yang membawa bad effect laa..yang good effect....xkesah...calon suami la katekan..huahuahua...bak kate pepatah KARMILA KAMARUDDIN...
sambil menyelam...lemas teros....<<----BM rockzzzzzz!!!
*RAYA!!!!hheheheheh...mari kiter masuk bab raya lak..asyik pasal Uia jer(promote uia jap)..bosan jugak..huhu..ok..raya tahun nie..TEMA KELUARGA KAMARUDDIN adalah...jeng3x!!
(ini semua sebab ape korunk tau???!!!gara2 ayah aku dah ade baju kaler hijau waktu bulan 5 ke bulan 4..buat sebab aku, aku kurang kepastian..tapi tema nie..sebab dyerlah...)
and suppose...hari raya kedua tue..aku nyer baju ala2 PINKY...tapi aku just ade KAEN jerk!!!!baju untuk dipadankan..xde lagi...camno nie...(sedapkan ati..xpela kay..raya bersederhana..baekkknyer aku..hoho)..
pakai bikini PINK...woot!!woot!!..raya gaya MIAMI!!!yeahhhh baby!!!(ko nak kena pelangkung ngan parents ko...buat la macam tue ...kay oiiiii..hoho)
*KUEH RAYA!!!ade cter nie..korunk tau x...aku tahun nie.BUAT KUEH RAYA uuuu..kelassss gitueee...baru buat tadi...start dari kol 12pm-7pm(lame gler vavi....buat sorunk2 la katekan...huu..penat uli tepung..insaf...'macam' x mo wat lagi..btw...kueh yang buat tadi namenyer KUEH SARANG SEMUT!!)sebelom2 nie..tau makan jerk..skunk kena wat sendiri...terharu...*makan kueh sambil menangis..sebak..(air tangan sendiri..sob!sob!)
*BLOG!!hurm...yang nie..banyak sikit la nak diceritekan...bukan ape la...aku nie..da lame x update blog..member2 sume dah tanyer...bile nak update update la...da alang2 aku bukak blog..aku bukak la blog sume yang aku tau..salah satunyer...ex aku..aku baca entry dyer..woah...aku agak TERKEJUT tapi MORE TO FUNNY!!xtau nape..hoho..cerite dier camnie tau..xdela(cter zaman tok kadok)..dlu..tyme yang kiter orang break...dyer try to win back my heart tau..tapi..xtau nape..aku xterima(ats reason2 tertentu)..then dyer cakap..macam2...xnak sambung blajar la...nak pegi singpore laa..xde pompuan laen yang boley gantykan tempat aku laa..n bla bla bla..(mende yang dyer cakap tue..macam exaggerate gler!!!bukan pandangan aku sorunk je...even adek badek aku...bibik aku..sepupu aku..sume cakap mende yang sama...)..hampir aku menerima dyer balek(HAMPIR je tau..XTERIMA pon lagi...)..then..tup!tup!..aku tgok...dyer dah ade girl baru weyh...(wahhh...ayat macam mamarazzi u!!!!malatoPPPP!!!)
yang kelakarnyer...ble pk blek mende yang dyer cakap tue...macam...xtau laa..EXCUSE ME!JEALOUS CONFIRM XDE!!(insyaallah..i will get way more better than him)..tapi macm FUNNY sebab..xde sebab...(aku gilaa.....hahahhaha)...deep inside me..if one man want to win back someone heart...please..please...and please...dont just simply say whatever you want 2 just to get with her back..(paling x suke orang berjanji...just sekadar janji..untuk dapatkan ape yang dikehendaki tyme tue..after dat...janji..tgl janji...minx2 aku x jadi orang macam tue..amin~)
*REASON!!!yang nie...aku baru realize tadi..tadi aku tgok cter "GHOSTS OF GIRLFRIENDS PAST"(xsalah aku la....aku short term memory sikit)...ade script dyer dalam cerite tue..yang aku rase..memang sesuai sangat tok aku...macam boley digunekan tok reason dalam kehidupan seharian aku..huhu..
ayat dyer lebey kurang la maksudnyer..dengan yang bakal aku tulis nie..
"If we mad at someone because of what he/she did, we care bout them..You dont want to forgive or give her/him a second chances because you scare you might be hurt again."
..word that came out from the actor..i just edit a little..because cant remembered the whole sentences..
I've been really deep  in love with someone...and there's a lot of question in my head..
'What if she/he hurt me?'
'What if she/he left me?'
'What if she/he die?'
Because of these kind of question..i end up a relation first before she/he does..

Honestlyy..i think..i maybe in that category..scare to be hurt..thats why..i cant give all my love to certain people that i want too..because of possibility might HURT..

too many post...da bercampur aduk...i guess..i better stop now..than making u'll dizzy...
so...till we meet again*like we ever meet before...daaa!!!
gudnytes my friends..

P/s: Still looking for a guy that i can give all my love + trust to him.. (^_^)

Thursday, June 9, 2011


(sejurus selepas kluar dari bilek air)
aku:...IBUUUUUUUU!!!(dengan suare yang sangat lantang..ala2 ning baizura..huahuahua)
ibu:ape???(sambil datang ke arah aku>>anak dyer yang tambahan)
aku:ibuuuuu...tgok nie...karmila kena gigit..(sambil menunjukkan kesan love byte/mytes n what so eva!!..+muke kasihan..jgn lupe...minx simpati...huhu)
ibu:teroknyerrrrr!!!(aku rase2..reaksi terkejut yang masih boley dikawal(xpengsan lagi!!!huhu)..)
aku:ubat karmila da habes la buuu...nanty g klinik eaaa...ehm..da alang2 tue..jumpe doktor la bu..
ibu:(diam...maknenyer..BERSETUJU kowttt!!!hahahahah)

ahah...ini adalah dialog between me n my mum!!saje je..tulis balek...permulaan/intro pada post aku kali nie...
dialog nie...berlaku semalam...
baru aku pg klinik nyer..(untuk makluman..aku pegi selepas MANDY ok..gler ape pg x mandy..nanty ade doktor yang pengsan...huahuahua..mane x nyer..ngan bau AYAM laa..NASI GORENG laa..PELUH la..bau PERFUME TERBAEKKKK DARI LADANG TUeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!huhu)
pastu..waktu dalam bilek doktor..
aku rase..BERBORAK lebey dari CHECK!!
mane x nyer...orang kampung my mum...
(habes sume loghat utagha kluaq...aku dok bukak gua lalat...huahuahua...)
ok laaa..aku ringkaskan..
da check sume...sambil tue doktor cakap laaa..
aku nie..
JARANG PG KLINIK(dlam family aku laa)
ANTIBODY KUAT <<< hehehehe..maluuuu iiii!!!huhu
(maybe..sume nie..sebab dlu arwah atok aku selalu mandy kan aku pagi2 buta ngan air sikit laa(antibody) berbanding adek badek aku yang laen...n jugak..atas sebab Yang Maha Esa)

doktor bagi aku...3 jenis ubat..
* jenis macam cecair...(sapu waktu malam)
* jenis cream(sapu waktu siang..kalau boley..stiap kali ase gatal)
* ubat makan/pil(tok tahan gatal...n agak mengantokkan..)

so..konklusinyer...kulit aku..karmila kamaruddin..sangat sensitif...(huhu)
xley nak wat ape daa..even antibody kuat..xpela..kena redha..ketentuan Ilahi.

oklaa...itu adalah rentetan story aku pada hari ini...huhu..
moga ketemu kembali yaaa..
see yaaa!!
love yaa!!
karmila kamaruddin iaitu sayaaa!!
cakapppp   haiyaaaaa!!!

P/s:A girl who has really sensitive skin..just like her heart!!need to be take care by someone (^_^)!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


IM BACK as usualll!!!
back from KOTA TINGGI!!
btw...yang kat atas INTRO semata!!
(xde kaitan ngan sape2 mahupon apa2)

MAIN POINT dyer ialahhh.....jeng...jeng....jengggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!
(bape banyak GGGGG daaa!!!!)

hari ini hari RABU!!
hari RABU adalah PINK DAY!!
PINK DAY itu dekat BASKIN ROBIN tau!!
(pantun paling sedap ABAD keee.....brape ntahhh!!!hahahaha)

meyh sini...share sikit picxy...huhu..

huhu..harap2..ade orang belanje me nanty...

P/s: Really loves to eat!!


(tibe2 nak jadi pirates pulak..huhuhuhu)
okok...straight to da tujuan...hehe...campur2 sikit...(kasi korunk fonin!)
skunk nie...aku kat umah ngan adek(si kamilia tue)
jap g..dalam kol 12...
nak g ANTAR dyer CHECKIN dekat KANDANG...sobsob..
da aku KESEPIAN + KESUNYIAN..huhu..(bajet sedey...huahuahua)
adek > MIANHAE (kerana dapat kakak TERBAEK cam akak!!hahahhaa)
tapi jap g...den poeii dengan mak den yooo...bapak den ado kojo ehhh...(huhu)
betol ke ayat nogori aku nie...saje...tukaq2 loghat!!
AKU KAN MENYAMBUT SERUAN(seruan apekah??!!)
1 MALAYSIA baiiiiiiiii!!!!!
(mesty PM sayang aku lebey...hahahahah)
Agi Idop Agi Ngelaban!!Merapu + Meraban dah aku nie....(An!An!An!An!An!)
okok..aku kena stop dlu nie...
nanty ade UFO terbang kat kepala aku..
(adek jadi SHREK!!!huahuahua..ape kena mengena shrek ngan UFO?!!pelik gak aku nie...aku tulis tapi aku sendiri x ley xplain..nampak sangat KLON aku yang tulis...huhu)
*salam pertemuan...stiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan..salam perpisahan*
(xde hubung kait powwnnnnnn!!!jap...aku kait2kan guna galah!!!)
*setiap permulaan pasti ade pengakhiran*
so..saya telah mengakhirkan post saya pada kali ini..moga saya menjadi rajen utk tulis post seterusnyer...huhu

pg membeli penyedut hampagas,
juga pergi membeli gas,
ape kene mengena hampagas dengan gas,
meyh sini aku jawab..ujungnyer kan sama..GAS!!
(huahuahua...aku nyer pantun 4 kerat...kerat2 jari kalau cikgu Bm aku bace..hahahah)

P/s:I 'really truly deeply' love this quote!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

hye...It ME..Im AgAiN!!

FIRSTLY...i mean...first of all...
after that...g0 straight to what im thinking rite now...
here...just want ur APOLOGIZE!!!(<<do accept!!!)
because making u'll QUESTION MARK for past FEW MONTHs!!!(OMG!!!MONTHs??!!)
sorry laaa..Im really2 LAZY u noe...
i hope u all accept my apologise OK...hihi..(^_^)
okok....sebab MONTH kan x UPDATE...sooo...
saya KAY...akan masukkan..segala ceritera2 yang best untuk tatapan UMUM...!!
huhu...FILM MAKER!!!
 mule2...nak habaq mai la..(da masuk loghat utagha sikit)..huhu..ceq nak tulis dalam point form naa...
idea banyak mggunung..x cerluih kalau dok tulis lagu cerpen...

*FYI....i da RESIGNEd from WATSON'ing tau..recently...because..because...because....i've FINISHED my TASKS!!as SC (bahase watson...bahase i..sales coordinator)
(shhhhh!!!dont let others noe..i nak buat mission kat tempat len pulak..shhh!!!secret kiter2!!)
*urmmmm.. some more...i've hurt a lot of people feeling..eventhough they act like nothing happen..but deep down..i realize...everything!!..i dont to show/express that im REALLY2 SORRYYY!!!
*Im addicted to FAIZAL TAHIR SONG recently...BERCINTA...SAMPAI SYURGA...n etc..
*just my truly confession...recently...there's one hole inside me..something missing..i noe what is it...n i noe Y it missing..i noe the reason n everything..trying to adapt with this new situation..(hope i can...chaiyokkk kay!)
*ahah!!enough with the SAD one...last n my beloved family..went to MALACCA..i dont want to write bout it...but i'll show u some picxy!!NJOYYY ok!!

*somemore...yesterday...'MAKAN BESAR'!!COMBO...celebrated all together in one tyme..huhu..
A.JUNE BIRTHDAY!(hahahha..its not that i dont want to celebrate one by one..but i dont have enough money laaa..huhu) i'll share some picxy also..huhu..really lazy to write...kuikui...

okeys....guyss...i hope u'll njoy ok...see yaa...

P/s: why i cant be dat girl??btw...sorry because my post is to simple..huhu

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Holla...holla..holla..(style Charity in Dance Flick)
in malayzzz(muslim)...
Assalamualaikum love...Whatz'up??!!!
feeling well??(<<its okay..let me answer it on behalf you'll..haha)
long reports..
so glad to hear that..hahaha..(<<im alwayz been this kind of gurl..huhu..perasan sebentar)
so...i've a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot...( many lot!!!!huahuahua)
(in a point form please..dont want to make it harder for u'll to read..haha)

*Fyi,saya,KARMILA KAMARUDDIN,telah berjaya meng'push diri sendiri..untuk bekerja..n..additional information..dah GENAP SEBULAN(<<--lame tueeeeeee) 3/4 hari tue..hihi..
*Fyi jugak..SAD STORY SALARY..diPOSTPONED!!(hukhuk)
*btw,saya jugak ingin mengumumkan bahawa..saya..KAY..macam da suke buat keje WATSON'ING..hihi..penat memang penat..tapiiiiii..
(positive thinker..haha..)
*then..da agak lame x pegi VACATION!!!huhu..aigoo..(really want to go for vacation..n going to kl to visit my fren..n hang out wif them..n gossiping(omg..dont follow this attitude!!..plezzzz)
*n some more..i want to apologize for those who 'terase hati'(dunnoe in english..hahaha) wif me because i dont cntct them for a long tyme...(kinda busy n tired..mianhae...but still if u guys or girl text me..i'll REPLY it A.S.A.P....PROMISE!!!)
*sometimes..i can feel tht my fren..seems to forget me bit by bit..but i cant blame them coz it also my fault maa...huhu...(redha gler ayat gue..huhu)
*but THE BEST THING is...i manage to forget what i dont want to remember n fall for..hahah
(the best feeling ever!!!im no longer slave!!!yiPpiEe!!)
*just now..i watched hindustan movie...WAQT...omg!!!demn sad...I ADMIT ..i cried!!( not joking...)kinda shame wif myself also just now coz cried infront of my father..again...MY FATHER!!..huhu..but wht to a girl..who cant stand crying if watched these kind of movie..i mean DA SAD one...(if u cant accept me this way..just dont pick me..haha..)
*out of sudden..i want to let u'll noe..that im a girl who like SPONTANEOUS!!
(can make my love deeper n deeper day by day..hehe)
* OUTDATED!!!(outdated wif what??!!!)
my answer should be like this...wif KOREAN WGM!!!sobsob
*HAPPILY...i can make a lots of new friends..n boyfriends..n girlfriends..n special girlfriends...n special boyfriends..oppppp!!!special boyfriends...dont have yet...!!!hikhik..(saje jerk..buat gempaq!!kuikui)
*ahah!!!!u all noe..just now..i went to BPMALL(BATU PAHAT MALL..only in batu pahat got..hahha)..i saw a lot of cute miut 'BAJU BABY'...huhu...makes me want to have baby ealier but without married n without father..hahaha..means..IBU ANGKAT!!!hahaha..
(good idea act...learn how to be a good parents..parentship course...i donnoe if it exist or not...hahahah...just say it loud withhout think..huhu)
*in learning progress on how to make up my face so it wont look sick!!(this is because..i always stay up late..n i think face since im in primary school..alwayz been like dat..but people always said dat my face looked pale all da tyme <<<<<----no comment please..huhu(but i should gratitude coz at least i've face...rite??)couldnt agree more PRINCESS KARMILA(hehe)
*before dat..i would like to say IM SORRY coz i dont have any new picture to share wif u guys n girls..but just to let u'll noe...recently..i think im gaining weight!!!maybe got muscle a little bit coz always lifting heavy tool box'ES!!
*last but not least...thankz for those who always text me...remember me...really really really appreciate dat.
for ur time u spend for me..MR ZOMbIE..tq very very much!!

i think..thatz all for now...later..when im usual..feel free to write down my recently activities..
i will write it here to share wif u'll 
(my fanclub@kelab kipas!!!i love u!i love u!i love u!)

P/s: A girl with a dream of someone who will give her a big surprise that can make her fall for him...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

lately...aku banyak berfikir tau..aku rase macam aku perlu amek satu tindakan's(sebab banyak...combination BM + BI..huahuahhua) yang aku perlu letak banyak EFFORT laa...
ade banyak sangat aku nak gtau..tapi sebab byk sangat..
in brain!!>>TRAFFIC JEM!(siotttt)<<dahsyat!!
so...korunk2 nak bace boley..dipersilakan taapppppiiii kalau lepas bace korunk PENIN..jgn salahkan aku yang x bersalah nie..harap maklum!

*STRIVE 3.5 n ABOVE-yang nie GPA yang aku aim la tok sem nie..minx2 dapat...
aku tgh menggandakan effort aku..amin~
*ACTIVE-aku nak jadi minah yang aktif laaa..even bersemangat waktu akhir2 sem..bukan aktif ape...aku engat nak bersenam sikit laa..huhu..tapi bersenam cara aku len...aku ngat..aku nak rajen2 naek bilek kawan2 aku yang kat tingkat 4...(huhu)ok ape..niat aku murni ooo..aku dah la x suke mendaki tangga...kire exercise kaki nak men netball dikala petang(kalau rajen..hehe)
*INVOLVE IN ACTIVITY-hehe..yang nie..aku nak story sikit la ngan korunk..sejak aku maasuk UIA nie..aku x penah involve ngan aktivity uia..huhu..dahsyat gler kan aku...yang aku involve,.yang WAJIB n ADE MARKAH tok subject aku jerk such as LEADTRAIN..huahuahua..itu pon..aku selalunyer skip qiam coz terlepas...(susah bgun pagi!!)..tapi lately...tibe2 rase nak meng'involvekan diri ngan satu aktivity MAHALLAH ZC iaitu...FAMILY DINNER...ari ahad nie..THEME GOLD!!..aku macam berhasrat nak pg..n nak me'lawak'kan plan nak berhias-hias ngan member2 aku laa @ belajar make up!..saje2 jee..suke2...for future...(budak yang berpandangan jauh..huhu..perasan sebentar!)
*BERTERUS TERANG-yang nie..yang terlibat je la tau..huahuahua...
*GET RID SOMETHING-aku amat2 perlukan effort tok mende nie...sebab...dyer sangat2 beri bad effect kat aku..aku x suke...xsuke!xsuke!xsuke!...tapi aku x tau la..aku boley ke x...haisyhh..masalah2...

tue jela kowt yang aku engat n nak tulis wat mase skunk..
btw..aku ade lagi stu nak share..tapi aku rse macam xpatot la pulak kan..hihi.. tyme jela..bile aku dah jumpe ayat2 n kiasan2 yang sesuai..aku tulis ea...

P/S:A girl that hate to be jealous with someone else but love to be jealous by others for good reason..